
Knowing how much you spend on tech is vital to the survival and profitability of your business. Allow the Bluewave Savings Calculator to show you what you can save.

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Deficits, obsolescence, and overspending are causing inefficiencies throughout your enterprise. Our Technology Assessment unlocks resources tied up in unoptimized IT services so you can invest more in growing your business.

More Than Stare and Compare

Our goal is to not only deliver visibility of existing, new, and emergent IT and telecom technology across your organization but also identify which assets are supporting your business goals and eliminate those that aren’t.

Please fill out the form below to find out how much savings we can identify with our Technology Assessment.

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Why a Technology Assessment?

Now that you can see the savings that are waiting for you, perhaps it’s time to get started with a comprehensive Technology Assessment.

Don’t drown in a sea of unactionable detail with a conventional telecom audit. Let us do the legwork to deliver actionable savings and optimization strategies.

The Bluewave Technology Assessment will provide you with:

  • Average annual savings of 20% is realized and delivered within 12 months
  • Measurable ROI
  • Fixed cost without risk of uncapped fees
  • Complete, unparalleled visibility into your service inventory
  • Foundational blueprint for transformational initiatives, reducing risk to future IT projects

Go From Managing IT to Optimizing Your Business

Decision-makers wielding outdated or unproven methodologies take your technology environment down the wrong road. Plus, a lack of transparency across your business and throughout the technology lifecycle is likely leading to the following dilemmas:

  • Complete inventory of all your invoices
  • Development of a comprehensive contract/service provider list
  • Consolidation of all telecom Customer Service Records (CSRs)
  • Creation of a database of devices, seats, lines, ports, trunks, and features

If stress, delays, and high costs are holding your business back and traditional solutions just aren’t working, it’s time for a Baseline Technology Assessment from Bluewave.


No! Audits focus on validating charges to contracts and agreements. Bluewave conducts an in-depth assessment to provide an accurate view of your communications tech stack, identify cost savings opportunities, centralize contracts and service expiration dates, advice on IT strategies to reduce futures expenses, and map out an optimized technology roadmap.

Contingency audits may seem low risk but, all risk is on the customer because there is a blank check for uncapped fees. Bluewave’s approach is the best approach because it sets a known, fixed fee, and protects the customer with an ROI guarantee. 100% of the savings upside is realized by the customer.

On average Bluewave spends more than 100 hours on the typical assessment. Because we do this all day every day, we have industry-leading expertise in house. Customers who try to do it alone can easily spend 200-300 hours to achieve half the result we do. Additionally, they don’t end up with a complete inventory, benchmarks rates, and a transformation roadmap.

A Technology Assessment engagement is typically 2-3 months.

Most will propose an audit which is really ”stare and compare,” essentially looking at invoices versus the contract. That only finds where the issues are and not building out the inventory for full visibility.

Schedule a no-obligation meeting with our team of experts, read more about Technology Assessments on our Tame Your IT Landscape blog, or learn more on our Technology Assessment service page.

You can’t manage what you can’t see. Schedule a technology consultation today and our experts will help you achieve technology transparency.