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Cyber security threats are constantly evolving, but in the last seven months, a calculated and vicious new strain of attack has emerged; sophisticated enough to take down large business organizations.
At Vigilant, one of our leading security partners, they’ve been seeing sophisticated new threat actors that operate in a very systematic way to actually dismantle an organization. These threat actors operate with patience; the attack may take months or even a year. The goal is to quietly learn as much about an organization, so they can eventually turn off all operations and lock down the organization. Once locked down, they hold the company hostage until a sum, sometimes in the millions of dollars, is paid.
Since the beginning of the year, Vigilant has been approached by eight organizations that were attacked in this manner. In one case, the total consequences included data loss, a significant decrease in customers and great financial loss, including the ransom they paid that was in the millions. Vigilant doesn’t typically recommend paying the ransom, but the threat actor had been in the customer’s network a long time and dismantled the environment pretty successfully. The backups were completely erased, so the customer needed to get back up and running. Vigilant was able to cordon off the infrastructure and allow the client to rebuild everything quickly, in a way that was 100 percent secure. This company was facing significant fines for being down, so time was of the essence. However, this was a good case. Other companies have simply gone out of business.
Our cyber security partners, such as Vigilant, provide custom technology that can be deployed into your entire organization within 24-48 hours fully configured, and provide a full team of analysts as a service, who investigate all traffic and find threats when they are still small – before your organization is held captive. Cyber security providers investigate in near real-time all layers of communication in your organization, globally, to determine where threats are taking place and to stop them. In addition to a continuous verification of data, companies such as Vigilant record all traffic forensically like a DVR, so the actual network state of your organization can be rewound, paused, and investigated, tracking the threat actor faster than they can move through your organization.
Please reach out if you would like to schedule time with one of our leading cyber security partners to conduct an initial security assessment to identify any gaps and begin the remediation process immediately before your company is held captive.
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